Your LOVE Gift

Your LOVE Gift



Waking is our most powerful and creative moment of the day. It is when we are most aligned with nature, fresh and open to creating ourselves anew. New in our own unique and diverse style, because even though there is much talk of oneness, it is not to be misunderstood ~ we are not all the same. We are all creators, we are all creation, and all things are equal in creation. We are all facets, each of us, a unique expression ~ different and magnificent facets of the one. How we best come together as one is to be true to our own nature.


We are now in the time of unity, together amid a great awakening; collected in this moment of expanding awareness with every needed solution at our fingertips ~ to arise from polarity to unity consciousness, seeking unity of the self inside the diversity of the whole.


You are 100% you. I am 100% me. And in knowing that, we are one, each of us a full and complete one. I am able to appreciate everyone because ‘I know who I am.’ I am that ~ I am. And I love who I am and I put that first. I look to no one else to make me his or her priority, because I am my priority. Without it I can be of no service to myself, the God particle that is, or to the larger universe.


The time is now, to step into your brand new journey, reaching for your higher goals in life and enjoy the bliss that springs from the center of consciousness ~ with a trusty tool that you can access when the going gets rough. You are going to become your own metaphysician. This is an advanced practice and should be done carefully. I should caution you. Stay in your integrity. Be truthful with yourself.


You probably meditate regularly or do yoga or have some practice that allows you to withdraw your mind from the external world and turn it inward. There are free meditations offered all over the internet and very soon I will be offering a twenty minute guided meditation, with my brilliant friend, and musician, Daniel Lauter.


Read this through a couple of times before you begin. It will come rather easily to you after that and you won’t need to read this any longer. Take your time. Go at your own pace. This is not like a guided meditation that set’s the pace; this is a step-by-step process and it is appropriate for you to gauge how long you need to spend on each step.


Sometimes results appear almost immediately. And other times, I have found it can take weeks for change to manifest in the outer world. It depends on how deeply embedded something has become. However long, if you carry the intention, the universe will cheer you on, by giving you little surprises, and showing you signs that an inner shift is occurring. Don’t give up.


To begin you will need a little knowledge of the Chakra system – the organs of the soul – or the ‘subtle’ body. Though the mind and soul are closely connected, as long as the mind is cluttered with thoughts of negativity, lacking clarity and messy in their confusion, the light of the soul cannot shine through.


The objective here is to remove the dust and dirt from the soul so that it may return to its natural state ~ a transparent crystal.


I call this my ‘unity’ process. Unifying the outer you with the true inner you. Cleaning up those murky impure thoughts, and taking them out of your body, so their messages cannot live in your energy, tainting the air around you. When I say, ‘live in your energy’ the fact is, thoughts are things; thoughts, in time, become feelings and feelings not only influence you, they impact the space around you and everyone who comes near.


Early in LOVE, I mused, Change our thoughts and we change our feelings. Change our feelings and we shall change our future. Is it that simple? Yes. Indeed it is that simple.


You may perform this magnificent process of transformation or should I say, transmutation anytime and anywhere ~ in your bedroom, in the garden, in the shower. You need to stand up for this, so that you can fully access your body, both in front and back.


Begin by standing tall and being true to what we are feeling. Quiet yourself, quiet your mind so that you may tune in to precisely what it is you are feeling and needing; to sense if there is anything negative that is making you feel ‘less than’ anyone else.


Find the words that best describe how you are feeling. Don’t get caught up in your story or in the drama.Don’t look outside yourself to blame another, in any situation. There is no blame.


Let your mind wander and then focus. Let it wander again if nothing is coming up at first. It will. Let a picture appear in your minds’ eye or listen for a phrase or a word that identifies how you feel. Be truthful with yourself. Understand that it is not due to anything or anyone outside of yourself.


IT IS YOU. And that’s good news. Because you are in charge of you and that means, you can change anything in your world you choose to. It’s that law of attraction.


Are you waking in fear, in lack or discomfort of something? Feeling mistrustful, lacking passion, broke, confused, sad, angry, resentful, lonely, unappreciated, jealous, unsupported, unrewarded, unloved? Is your love and compassion for yourself challenged in any manner? Identify it. See it. More importantly feel it.


The next step is we need to take this deeper. And that involves working with your chakras. A chakra is a vortex of energy that goes from the inside you, out to the environment. If you have little knowledge or experience with these don’t worry.




Chakras are easy to identify. You can feel chakras readily on another person, if you just hold your palm facing their body, either front or back. Move your palm in and out and you will sense their chakra energy pulsing. You can most certainly feel it when another steps into your chakra energy ~ they have moved into your space and your instinct is to back away because they are too close for comfort.


There are actually chakras pulsing all over your body, however traditionally you will find diagrams that show you seven, such as this one. As you can see there is also energy transmitting out of the palms of your hand and your feet, where energy can flow with your breath, in and out.


Each chakra is energy and have been traditionally associated with a color and a frequency. From red for the root chakra on up to orange, yellow, green for the heart, blue for the throat, indigo for the third eye and violet for the seventh, crown chakra. However, the colors have been changing, and there are no longer any hard and fast rules so I suggest as you work with the chakras, you see the color that comes to mind and trust it. Don’t get locked into any pre-conceived notions about anything right now. Let it flow.


Chakras emanate front and back so you need to cover their energy from both sides. Notice also if a chakra is more prominent in the front or back. You will find that you can work with your intention by using your hands to bring each into equal distance from your body. This is called balancing the chakras.


Focus. Focus on one chakra at a time. What you are about to do is take out the adverse feeling. Remove it from your world. It can be expressed as lack or fear, sadness, despair, shame, jealousy, judgment, confusion, doubt, procrastination, anger, any negative, unloving thought and feeling that has attached itself to you. When you identify it, sense how it feels. When you do this, it may bring into memory instances where you have felt this way before. Name it if you need to. Focusing and identifying the feeling is the most effective way to begin processing it out of your DNA, out of your cells, and out of your life.


Once you are clear on what your stumbling block is, you are going to take it out of your chakra system. Gently cup your hand and begin scooping it out. While you do you will breathe it out through the souls of your feet and the palms of your hands. Remove it! Front and back. You are going to continue up through each organ of your soul, detaching the destructive influence from its cozy home. Breathing in and out as you go, breathing in the purity of spirit nature and exhaling the impurity that has found a home in you. When you have gone through all the chakras, scooping out the negativity, you are then going to fill the space with the feeling of its positive opposite. Sometimes you won’t be able to do it all at one time, especially if something is rooted deeply within you. As Bannye says, you can’t put icing on a toxic cake. Some instances, some feelings, once triggered can go so deep, it will take vigilant work, noticing the reflections around you, picking up the signals you are getting from others, to detach the unloving element and transform it into LOVE. Be patient with yourself and stay with it. Just your intention in doing this will move it around and change will begin. You will see. The universe loves to cheer you on. Stay on it and you see a marked shift in your life.


Begin with the first root chakra, located at the base of the spine and shoots all the way down your legs and through the souls of your feet.


This grounds you. It has the lowest rate of vibration and governs your survival. Hover your hand anywhere from two to six inches away from its center, feeling its pulsing energy in your palm. The color red is identified with the first chakra and it is here where you can make sure you are feeling safe, grounded and supported by everything around you.


Move up to the second chakra, the Sacrum, located at your lower abdomen and genitals. It’s associated with desire, sexuality, passion, pleasure and procreation. It also governs creativity. Traditionally, the color orange has been associated with this chakra. Again, with your hands cupped, scoop out the frequency, the thought, and the word that is resonating in your body that is less than the highest you. Again, don’t forget to do it front and back.


The third chakra is at your Solar Plexus, the navel area, where your emotions swirl. And where your ‘gut feelings’ come from. Again, speak the negative feeling that is disturbing you and announce to every cell in your body. Let your cells know that this thought and feeling is no longer part of you. Scoop it out and detach it with your hands and breathe it out.


Move on up to your fourth chakra, the spiritual organ of your heart and repeat the process. The heart chakra is the center of the chakra system, the brain of the spiritual self and the repository of love.


The heart chakra seals the connection between your lower and upper chakras ~ because all are of equal and prime importance to how balanced you are living your life. With your hands, front and back, loosen the hold that sense has on your heart and scoop it out. You don’t need it any more. Your heart doesn’t need it. Your loved ones don’t need it. When you are sure you have taken as much as you can, it is time to move up to your throat chakra.


The fifth chakra is at the base of your throat. It governs speech, communication and expression. This is where you speak your truth, stand up for who you are and ask for what you want. Pull out the word and the feeling that is not of your highest and best expression.


Because I work in communications, and yes, because personally, I sometimes have a particularly hard time expressing myself, the throat chakra is always prominent and important for me to work with. You may at times notice one or two chakras will hold a certain emphasis for you, and so you may have to work harder and deeper on those.


Move on up to the center of your forehead, between your eyes and just above your eyebrows. This is your sixth spiritual organ; your third eye. Its function is seeing, perceiving and intuiting. This is your spiritual organ for all seeing wisdom. When you are not seeing yourself, as you really are, as magnificent and as powerful and loving as you really are, this is the chakra that will need diligent work. Tune into it. Sense what it is telling you. And again, remove the denying perception from your inner sight. It will give you great rewards and sharpen your intuition.


Now you have reached your Crown Chakra located at the top of your head. Its’ function is compassion and understanding and its’ inner state is bliss. Pull from the top of your head that which is not blissful in your world. Don’t forget to breathe.


Finally, go down to the soles of your feet and pull out the thought that has kept you off balance. The souls of your feet are rarely shown in diagrams on chakras. However, don’t forget them, because you will see how vital they are in this process.


Remove that feeling. Pull it out. Release it and let it go!


Take out the harmful, failing thought that turned into a destructive vibration and imprints your energy, that greets your friends and hugs your family and precedes you everywhere you go and can sometimes stay in a room after you have left. Take out that toxic author that has been invisibly writing the script for your life ~ until now. Let your body know that hurtful vibration is no longer welcome inside you, pretending to be you. Tell it clearly it no longer has a home in you.


You have reached beyond the realm of the mind, and beyond the realm of imagination. If you could perceive the air around you, it would look like a thousand petals of brilliant white light.


Your hands and fingers will be feeling tingly and light by this time.


Now, let’s fire up the magician inside you and wake up your soulful backbone.


Where you feel sure you have removed the negative, you will find that you have made space. You will want to fill up that space with its positive opposite, infusing who you truly are, into your chakras and into your being.
Go to the feeling. Remember how you felt when that magnificent opposite occurred and feel it again. Inhale it from the depths of the earth, through the soles of your feet. If you were feeling fear and that is what you removed, its opposite would be love. Remember feeling love. Recall a time when you were simply overwhelmed with bliss. Simply send your desire back to a moment in time when you felt love wash over your entire body. Dwell on it, float in it and when it feels palpable, pat it into your chakras.


Your hands scooped out the negative, so now you’re going to flatten your palm and pat it in. “Pat it in. Pat it in.” As Bannye would say. Pat it into every chakra. Infuse yourself with fresh new magnificence. If you are worrying about your skimpy bank balance, you would pat in the feeling of wealth, feeling calm in the knowledge that all your needs and more are met. If it were scarcity, you would be patting in the feeling of abundance. And so on for compassion, focus, wisdom, understanding, vitality, wholeness, healing, creativity, flexibility, kindness, patience, completion, anything you may need to replace its opposite and to feel for yourself ~ to love yourself fully ~ to be ~ you. Love of course, is the most expansive feeling of all.


Pat it in! Pat the new you into every chakra! Beginning again with the root chakra and working all the way up to your crown center, which has the highest rate of vibration. Don’t forget the souls of your feet.


When that is done you will be feeling pretty darn good.


Now let’s seal the deal.


Stand straight, visualize the heavens opening up and feel a cloak of gold, a mantle of golden love pouring down from above and like Mercury, seeping into every inch of you. See it shimmer as it sinks down, down, down all the way into the core of the earth, filling up every space between you and every expression of nature. Doesn’t matter if you are in a high rise in New York City, on a barge in Bangkok or on a beach in Sydney, see it going through the souls of your feet, and all the way down infusing your true home, Mother earth, with your positive vibration. What a gift you are sharing with that who shares all she has with you.


There is one last thing …that can bring you the most transmuting force of all. When you are quite sure every droplet of your golden energy has merged with mother earth, turn it around. Breathe deep and accept the ever-present gift Mother earth offers you every day. Her forests and her plants, her oceans and her rivers, her creatures great and small, everything she gives you unconditionally that is your life force ~ the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food that sustains you and the shelter that comforts you, every minute of every day. Let her now return to you the cosmic energy you just gave her. Allow fully this exchange, taking her divine energy not only into every pour of your physical body and every tone of your vibrational spirit, let it grow beyond you.


Open your arms wide and feel the energy magnify and vibrate all the way through your fingertips. Let the immense power of Mother Earth extend out beyond all that you are. Let it grow bigger and bigger and bigger, as large and expansive as you wish to be.


Congratulations! You have just grown a new energy field for yourself ~ a positive and infinite new you. You are infused with a new feeling and a new feeling will bring about a new destiny. Divine cosmic power will now touch everyone you come in contact with.


Performing this ‘cleansing of the soul’ process every time you hit a speed bump will bring about the most astounding changes in your life. By lifting yourself consciously, focusing and working on your inner self in this manner, will trigger remarkable shifts for you. The universe will step in and turn your life on, lifting you higher and happier. Speaking to your physical body through your spiritual body can bring true transformation. Whispering sweet something’s’ into every cell, every atom, every particle and twist of your DNA will propel you effortlessly to transform every aspect of you, that is not the true and complete you. The you, you were born to be.

