Our mission is to awaken your inner power to ignite positive change.


You and I have arrived at a galvanizing moment in time. Individually and collectively we find ourselves in the midst of a giant global shift ~ politically, economically, socially, physically and spiritually. Uncertainty is causing many of us to look outside ourselves for answers yet naturally become fearful when few solutions appear. Others are seeing the bigger picture in the realization that the only source for resolution comes from within.


The state of our world today is a reflection of our thoughts and actions.

We cannot rely on science, technology or political governance to help us navigate this upheaval. We need a shift in consciousness. A radical shift in the hearts and minds of mankind for each of us to reunite with ourselves, each other and nature ~ and reignite our power over our own future.


The mind allows us to focus our desires. Surrounding those thought forms is a consciousness; a vibration, an energy that defies explanation yet is indelibly the influential part of our momentum towards achieving those desires.


From the beginning of time
the seeds of progress have been sewn with love. Science has yet to measure the power of love to heal, to awaken, to enliven, to expand, to bring revolution into your life and into the lives of others. Yet proof is all around us, every minute of every day.


love is in your dnaLove is in your DNA.
All it needs is activation. When it is set in motion, you will instinctively act to make the world a kinder, safer, more beautiful place in which we all may live together, in peace and harmony. It is as simple as that. The more of us who are living in that space, the greater and swifter the change will be.


Change begins with you. Love begins with you.

From my experiences with Saint Teresa in Calcutta, and in the ensuring years, as I wrote LOVE: The Saint and the Seeker, I have come to formulate seven aspects of our human experience that when put into practice can shift our consciousness and change our lives, right here and right now. They are outlined in 7 Principles of Love.


‘Giving’ is a principle of love.


When there is a need, it is impossible to ignore. It’s the call that resonates so loudly you hear nothing else. In that moment you know you must act. In that moment, you have the opportunity to expand your world beyond everything you have ever imagined. To challenge what you know and believe; to take a risk and live life larger, without limits.


It’s not just words. It is putting love into Action.


Now is the time when we all need to become love activists.

Time to be reflective, fearless, and accountable. Be someone who stands up for those without a voice and a vote. Bring your voice and bring balance to our world. Please lend a hand; lead the way; inspire solutions; and usher in change where you feel it is essential. Open your heart, listen to your soul, and act. Then watch the miracles unfold.

We are here to help.


Every month you can love with us. Go to our Journal where we will highlight for you a cause, a movement, a charity, a crowdfunding project, an idea, a nation, a species, or anything we notice that we have vetted, that we know is deserving of your love.


Miracles can be a wish away.


Make space in your world to follow the call. It is not always about donating money, yet money is love in action. It can be giving your time, talent, resources, and ideas. Finding creative solutions to crucial problems. Reach to do something bigger than you and your world will naturally expand. Like starting a crowdfunding project for someone in need, or enlisting the help of your community to put a local remedial plan into action. From local to global, and global to local, the power of one person to make a difference in the world, is not just possible, it is imperative. One plus one plus one, plus one, plus one … adds up to 7 billion.


Something profound occurs when you answer the call to love.


The first sound of the call can come at any time and for any reason. The loss of a loved one; the completion of a life’s work; the attainment of a dream; a great success or a deep disappointment ~ good or bad is merely an appearance. When there is suddenly a space inside that yearns for realization, it calls for greater fulfillment. You as a person are suddenly required to become bigger; to reach higher than ever before; to be of service.


Love begets love.

Being of service to another is a natural human desire. Just as certainly as you will help heal another with your service, you too will be transformed by your action.


For the whole world to begin sharing their resources, their bounty, their blessings, and their love ~ we can bring an end to poverty, disease, and war.


I am you. You are me. We are one.


We do nothing alone on this planet. We are part of a vast fabric of interrelated organisms, seeking completion; seeking contentment; and self-realization. There is not a human being on earth that does not respond to the act of love. Love Rules! It is no illusion the feeling of love that can come from one meeting, one exchange of energy, and one soulful connection, can alter the course of your life and set it on a path never before imagined.